Love Each Other

Counter Culture: The Great Command: Love One Another

I will love like Jesus by....

1- Being patient and kind

2- Being humble

3- Loving unconditionally

4- Rejoice in Truth

View/print sermon notes for this message here. Check out the rest of this sermon series outline for what's coming next. 


Forgiveness in the Face of Terror - John and Eloise Bergen
The year is 2008. Late one evening in rural Kenya, a band of men break into a farm and brutally assault and rob the couple living there. The couple had recently arrived from Canada for missionary work among orphans. Near the point of death, they struggle to find medical treatment in the dark of night. Their healing is miraculous, but the greater story is their spiritual journey to healing through the power of forgiveness. This book is their story - the shock and suffering they experienced, and the joy and hope they found, told here in their own words.

John and Eloise Bergen moved to Africa in March 2008 after living in Canada and New Zealand, where they had pastored for 25 years. They also operated a small business in Western Canada before their first trip to Kenya. They wrote this book as they prepared for their return to the Kenya they have grown to love, and where they will continue to serve orphans and others in need.

A Different Kind of Happiness - Larry Crabb

Everywhere we look, we see evidence that love is in short supply. Terror and corruption, school shootings and troubled marriages, impatient online sniping and character assassination--all point to the fact that we do not know how to love one another as Jesus commanded and modeled. We put our own interests, comfort, and happiness first, despite the fact that the greatest happiness comes through sacrificial love.

A Different Kind of Happiness shows you a love that is deeper than being nice and serving others. It's a love that relates to others in such a way that they feel heard, seen, and valued. A love that sacrifices and suffers and keeps loving, even when doing so is costly. This kind of love, says Dr. Larry Crabb, is the kind of love shown to us by our Creator and Redeemer--and it's the kind worth fighting for in all of our relationships.