We will stand for the purity of sex because...
1. It uphold God's holiness command
2. It is His design
3. It is natural
4. Forgiveness and faith
We will stand for the purity of sex because...
1. It uphold God's holiness command
2. It is His design
3. It is natural
4. Forgiveness and faith
I will stand for the purity of sex because...
1. I have been called to freedom
2. My body is not my own
3. I am told to flee sexual immorality
4. I am a temple
Marriage was created by God for the purpose of...
1) Mirroring His Image (Genesis 1:27)
2) Commitment (Genesis 2:24)
3) Displaying His Work (Matthew 19:6; Micah 2:15-16)
4) Divorce (Matthew 19:7-9)
Biblically Feminine Women reveal God by:
1 - Being Relational (Genesis 2:18)
2 - Being Open to Receive (Genesis 1:27)
3 - Being a Helper (Genesis 2:18;20)
View/print detailed sermon notes here.
Recovering Biblical Manhood And Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism - A controversy of major proportions has spread throughout the church. Now more than ever before, gender roles are openly questioned in the wake of evangelical feminism; a movement that is having a profound impact on society, the home, and the church. In this redesigned edition of an influential and award-winning bestseller, more than 20 influential scholars such as John Piper, Wayne Grudem, and D. A. Carson (includes a chapter from Elisabeth Elliott) have committed their talents to produce the most thorough response to date. Combining systematic argumentation with popular application, this volume deals with all of the main passages of Scripture brought forward in this controversy regarding gender-based role differences. Anyone concerned with the fundamental question of the proper relationship between men and women will want to read this book.
"We exist to tell God's story. God does not exist to tell ours. We're to become fully alive for God's sake, to glorify Him by enjoying Him and revealing Him to others. Living for any other purpose leads to death."
Larry Crabb
Biblical Masculinity...
1. Remembers
a. Who God is
b. What He has done
c. Who we are
2. Moves to Action
3. Follows the Example of Jesus
View/print detailed sermon notes here.
Fully Alive: A Biblical Vision of Gender That Frees Men and Women to Live Beyond Stereotypes
by Larry Crabb
What makes a man masculine? A woman feminine? Did God design the two genders so differently? If so, why? The answers to these questions will free women and men to gladly embrace all that it means to be fully alive as gendered bearers of God's image who can profoundly impact others for good by the way they relate.
Author and psychologist Dr. Larry Crabb presents a biblically grounded understanding of gender uniqueness. His illustration of a bridge of connection shows how the two genders can relationally come together in God-revealing harmony as they celebrate their God-designed uniqueness. Readers will discover that God created male and female to relate in gender-specific ways to make a difference in others by displaying God's relational character. Crabb clearly shows men and women what it means to live fully alive as feminine women and masculine men.