Great Commission

Mission Conference Saturday Night: Carl Teichrib

In "Our Changing World and the Great Commission," Carl Teichrib challenges our assumptions about missions. The focus is often on foreign missions, but he emphasizes that all Christian believers are missionaries; the field is in our backyard, our communities, and our families. A missionary is most simply a truth-teller proclaiming the truth about God's character, human nature and Christ's finished work on the cross. The current mission field is made up of three main groups of people - non-religious unbelievers, religious non-Christians, and the Christian struggling with unbelief and attempting to incorporate other spirituality into Christianity. Truth remains the truth, and we are commissioned to deliver that message to those around us.  

Print/view detailed sermon notes from the evening. You can also read more from Carl on his blog, including recent excerpts from an upcoming book.

Cartoon shared by Carl :)

Cartoon shared by Carl :)